Navigating our New Reality: COVID-19

Dear friends and family,
I hope your health is strong, your minds are sane
and your spirits are high during this unprecedented and mysterious pandemic.
I've been humbled to silence and stillness by our new reality.
A personal and shared existential crisis.
Suddenly, everything's up for review.
Big Life Questions arise.
Can we continue to justify an abstract economy of limitless travel and consumption,
held together by invisible subsidized systems?
Is that really what we even want?
And my personal favorites,
Am I my work?
Who am I without a witness?
Am I destined to die single in New York, a martyr for my my mission?
And where HAVE all the cowboys gone?
Mostly, I am reflecting, recalibrating and reveling in the collective change of pace and perspective.
The reality of being a small business is that without sales and support,
well, there is no business. We're at the service, and the mercy, of the people.
Right now it's a bit like being a wild animal whose habitat is being destroyed.
Conservation efforts are required. Small business IS biodiversity.
So what say we, the people?
With sickness comes the opportunity for healing.
Will we empower ourselves, each other, and responsible business,
or will we panic button back to carbon-cranking, plastic-polluting
business as usual, and pretend that nothing's happened?
Will we listen to nature's reasonable reprimand
or defy and provoke her further, to our own inevitable demise?
(see: climate change)
More than ever, we're in this together.
So let's get up and get dressed!
We're offering 20% off everything in stock + free shipping
now until the beginning of whatever's next.
It's not just beautiful, well-made clothes.
It's an investment into a new narrative of
proper stewardship of planet and people.
And always, always, trusting the divine intelligence of
The Perfect Unfolding...
Arielle sustainable fashion covid19
a course in miracles quote

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